Product range & prices

Basic range
The basic range includes the four menu ranges of Favorite, Special, Vitality and Variety (salad buffet). This range is subsidised by Credit Suisse and the menu always includes a soup or salad (with one slice of bread) or a dessert or a piece of fruit.


  Intern Extern
Special / Favorite 10.80 14.80
Vitality Veg 10.00 14.00
Metabolic Balance mit Fleisch / Fisch 10.80 14.80
Variety, 100g 2.60 3.10
Special / Favorite ohne Fleisch / Fisch 8.80 12.80
Special / Favorite nur Fleisch / Fisch 8.80 12.80
Eine Portion Beilage / Gemüse 7.60 11.60
Menusuppe inkl. 1 Scheibe Brot 1.80 1.80
Menusalat / Menudessert / Kompott 1.80 1.80
Frucht 1.20 1.20
+ ein Stück Fleisch (je nach Angebot) +6.50 / 8.80 +6.50 / 8.80
+ 1 Stück Brot 0.60 0.60
Senf / Ketchup / Mayonnaise 0.80



Mineral PET, 5dl
Süssgetränke PET, 5dl
Spezialgetränke PET, 5dl
ab 2.80ab 3.80

Alle Preisangaben in CHF inkl. MwSt